The Program

Structure of the Days

We start each day with a shared morning circle to anchor the theme for the day and harvest insights from the previous day. Then we go into (co-)facilitated sessions, talks, workshops, or experiences - surrounded by lots of free space for spontaneous breakout groups and serendipitous encounters.
The evening will be a coming together to close the day, sit by the fire, share, and dance. We will share a more detailed program as we get closer to the event. We invite you to submit your workshop proposal via this form! The gathering will be held in English.



8 - 9am Morning Practice: yoga, meditation or other kinds of movement practices

9 - 9.45am Breakfast

10 - 11am Opening Circle: Anchoring into the theme of the day. Harvest from the previous day.

11 - 1pm Session Slot I: held session(s)



1 - 3pm Lunch Break & Spontaneous breakouts

3 - 5 pm Session Slot II: held session(s)

5 - 7pm Open Space: Time either for spontaneously emerging sessions or exchanges, mingling



7 - 8pm Dinner

From 8pm onwards: Fire, music, time and space to connect, celebrate, dream, rest

We invite you to bring your unique perspective by offering workshops, sessions, rituals, talks, or whatever else you think and feel will be a needed addition to The Future is Now. You can submit your workshop proposal via the button below.

Themes of the Days

  • Arrival in the afternoon. We make space to arrive and ground ourselves and the group. Forming the short-term community we intend to become throughout this weekend.

    Make first connections, meet each other and that which each of us brings with them – our experiences, backgrounds, learnings, intentions.

    We create the container for the days ahead. And tune in together into what’s moving in our collective body/consciousness and that will shape the course of the days ahead.

  • We explore the pieces of that “more beautiful world” that are already present and express through us.

    The conscious cross-pollination begins: What are you creating that I want more of in my life and work, and vice versa?

    This is a time to get inspired by the projects and communities we all are currently manifesting.

    Recognising that we all hold a piece of the puzzle in our unique ways.

  • The day is dedicated to connecting the individual threads with each other, to make the puzzle pieces more visible and put them together to reveal the bigger picture.

    We also go deeper into the values that unite us underneath all of our individual work and projects.

    This is a day for networking as well as reflection on ourselves and our projects.

    How can we connect our different communities to stand stronger together, to support each other on all levels - practically, emotionally, financially, …?

    With a carefully woven net of connection built on trust and shared vision, we are one step closer to a future of ease, joy, and shared power.

  • On the last day of our journey we align ourselves with the future worth living for.

    How can we anchor it already in the here and now? It is time to ground the sparks of ideas, solidify connections and potential collaborations, set intentions of actions and accountability.

    To move out into the world again as an empowered agent of the change we want to see.